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Dr Anne Christianson PhD

Biodiversity Conservation

From: Minnesota, USA / Washington DC

Having worked as an advisor to a US Congressman, Anne believes the world’s best chance for change lies at the nexus of science and power. She heads to Antarctica in search of ways to change and cope with a political culture that does not welcome women. But on board, Anne is confronted by very different issues.

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“I would hope that science underpins every decision that is made in DC from climate change to healthcare to housing policies. I mean this all science whether it’s ecological science or social science or chemistry or physics.”


"In Washington DC less than 20% of members of congress are women. What we do in Washington will impact the rest of the world.


"I might be one of those women in 30 years that was saying I waited my whole life for a woman president, like I saw my mom saying you know I think it’s finally here. I don’t think she’s going to see a woman president in her lifetime. So, it’s very personal."


What is Anne doing now?

Anne Christianson is currently a PhD candidate in the University of Minnesota’s Natural Resources Science and Management program. Her research focuses on using nature-based solutions to build community resilience to climate change, with a focus on gendered vulnerabilities to climate impacts.  She is a native Minnesotan who grew up hiking, fishing, swimming and exploring in the North Woods.  Anne holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Policy from St Olaf College, and a Master’s in Biodiversity Conservation from the University of Oxford. Previously, she worked in the US House of Representatives writing and advising on energy and environmental legislation, for Ocean Conservancy advocating for science-based marine policy, and held the position of Vice President of DC EcoWomen, a non-profit organisation working to empower women to become leaders in the environmental field. She currently works for a large environmental non-profit in the Washington, DC area.

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